Volunteers are an essential part of the HELP of Southern Nevada team. We depend on volunteers to expand the capacity of our programs and help us meet critical, local needs. By giving of their time and talents, volunteers become directly connected with the community. Volunteers broaden our organization’s capabilities and in turn positively impact the lives of our clients.
Volunteering not only improves the community as a whole but can also have many personal benefits to the volunteer, including:
Provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment
Builds self-confidence and self-esteem
Reduces stress and anxiety
Allows for social connection with others
Develop new skills
If you are an individual interested in volunteering with us, please click here to complete our Individual Volunteer Application.
If you are a corporate or civic group wishing to volunteer, please click here.
If you are looking for an internships at HELP please email covolunteer@helpsonv.org for more information.
Prior to volunteering with us, please read our Volunteer Guidelines.
Questions about volunteering at HELP? Please email covolunteer@helpsonv.org.