HELP of Southern Nevada began as the Voluntary Action Center through the efforts of the Junior League of Las Vegas. in 1970 HELP was incorporated and was initially founded to connect those in need of services with those in the community providing services by offering information and referrals. In 1972 HELP published the first edition of the Community Services Directory.

Fast forward 50 years and HELP of Southern Nevada resides on “HELP Street” which is comprised of four buildings on E. Flamingo Rd. HELP has a large footprint in North Las Vegas at our West Lake Mead office and a satellite office in Mesquite. Today HELP offers a variety of programs and services to help individuals, families and youth increase their self-sufficiency and keep people housed or get them housed. HELP serves the tiniest of clients; newborns of young mothers to the elderly and ever on between. Each year HELP assist tens of thousands of clients. There are close to 170 employees that serve our clients through 10 different departments and over 40 programs.